A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin... what else does a man need to be happy? ”

— Albert Einstein

Kazem john is an unconventional violinist.

Released his first Hip-hop EP, "Mesh" on April 29, 2020 with all four base tracks composed "in the moment". Kazem john has since released a second EP, "Life" and some singles. All are on streaming platforms.

As a young boy traveling and discovering his Persian roots, Kazem john became aware of the power of music, how it unites people and communicates deep feelings in ways that go beyond words. Differences that appear to separate us effortlessly melt away through music, raising the vibration of any situation to make way for the heart to express its true nature.

Through the years, his greatest influences have been the magical performances of artists that embodied an "In the moment" expression of creativity and skill he has always admired and hopes to achieve in his own works.

Gifted with ability to create melodic creations, Kazem john says, "Creating music is the most natural aspect of my life and sharing it with others is my essence.  It feels like I am just getting started." But really, his journey began a long time ago as a five-year old boy wanting to embody the gift of music and the joy that music brings to the world.

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Sample Tracks of EP - Mesh

  1. 1
    Bored 3:07
  2. 2
    Eve 2:49
  3. 3
    Sauce 3:01
  4. 4
    Stump 2:53
